Bob Hill

Josh and Leah's two children, Robert and Nancy, both worked as associate directors at the camp while Josh was still director. Robert Lieberman was called "Bob", and changed his last name to "Hill". There was a substantial pile of dirt, sand, and gravel which had been scooped out to create the Primitive lake (the crescent-shaped, northernmost lake of the chain). The Primitive campers dubbed the small hill thus created "Bob hill".

I find I don't have too many pictures of Bob. Here's one from my camp days, shown with camper Norma Pomerance:

Bob Hill, with Norma Pomerance

Here's a young Bob Hill in 1938 (photo supplied by Ditte Frederiksen McNeil):

Bob Hill in 1938

Bob was in attendance at the 1999 Camp Taconic reunion. Vision problems required him to wear dark glasses:

Bob Hill at the 1999 Camp Taconic reunion

Here's a picture of Bob and Trudy's house at the camp, generally referred to as "Hill House":

Bob and Trudy's house at the camp

Bob died on Valentine's Day, 2004, in Connecticut.

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This page was last updated December 20, 2012